Actor portrayal: groups of people standing in an art galleryDifferent groups of people standing in an art gallery

It’s Time to Rethink Your Schizophrenia Treatment

Talk to your treatment team today

A once-monthly treatment that can be prescribed after your healthcare professional has determined tolerability with an oral form of the medication.
Can be prescribed after being adequately treated with INVEGA SUSTENNA® for at least 4 months and can control schizophrenia symptoms for up to 3 months with 1 dose.
The only schizophrenia treatment option that can control symptoms for up to 6 months per dose. It can be prescribed after being adequately treated at an appropriate dose with INVEGA SUSTENNA® for at least 4 months or INVEGA TRINZA® for one 3-month treatment cycle.

Which Best Describes You?

Mother and daughter working together at a tableMother and daughter working together at a table

Actor Portrayal

Create Your Own Treatment Change Discussion Guide

Everyone’s schizophrenia treatment plan and journey are different, so there is no one-size-fits-all list of questions to ask when you or your loved one is considering making a change in medication. This customizable guide will help you have a better discussion with your treatment team based on the things that are important to you.

There are 2 kinds of questions in this guide:

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Questions to ask yourself before meeting with your treatment team

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Questions to ask your healthcare professional

Two women looking at art in a gallery together

Actor Portrayal

See What May Be Ahead

Learn about a path to a twice-yearly treatment with INVEGA HAFYERA®.

Watch the Change Exhibit >>

Messages of Hope

Patrick* was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but he didn’t let that get in the way of his future. He’s finishing school, pursuing his career, and continuing to be an inspiration.

Watch Patrick’s Story >>

Patrick, a real schizophrenia patient
Patrick, a schizophrenia patient, wearing an orange t-shirt
Messages of Hope

Patrick* was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but he didn’t let that get in the way of his future. He’s finishing school, pursuing his career, and continuing to be an inspiration.

Watch Patrick’s Story >>

*Patrick is a volunteer with the SHARE Network, a volunteer program dedicated to helping adults living with schizophrenia share their personal health stories.

He is on a schizophrenia treatment journey with INVEGA HAFYERA®, given by injection from a healthcare professional. He began treatment after being adequately treated with INVEGA SUSTENNA® for at least 4 months and INVEGA TRINZA® for at least 3 months.

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